We've gotten lots of individuals and teams registering in the Life Between Umbrellas design competition - all of them working on some creative ideas for making Vancouver's public spaces more rain-friendly. This is exciting stuff!
More recently, we've received some inquiries regarding the Life Between Umbrellas competition deadline, and in particular whether or not we might consider extending the April 15 due date for submissions.
Good news! After reviewing these requests, the competition steering committee has decided to allocate some additional time for the important design and collaboration work that is taking place. The new deadline for the competition is Monday, April 29 at 5:00pm.
This means there are an extra couple of weeks to define and refine your ideas for making Vancouver's public spaces more rain-friendly. Entries are invited in three categories:
The Place - An idea to make a new or existing public space (such as a plaza, street, sidewalk, laneway, parklet, or park) rain-friendly.
The Intervention - A rain-friendly design feature or element, or seasonal structure that can serve to enhance an existing public space.
The Celebration - A rain-friendly pop-up activation (e.g. an event or interactive installation) in a public space that will help build a more positive culture of rain-friendly activity, fostering social connections in the rainy months.
The Life Between Umbrellas is open to designers, artists, and public space enthusiasts of all ages. There's even a special stream for entrants aged 18-and-under.
For more information on the competition, be sure to check out the competition website, and in particular the Life Between Umbrellas Design Brief. Note that with the extension all other entry-related considerations still apply.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to be in touch. The Umbrellas Team can be reached at umbrellas@vancouverpublicspace.ca. Life Between Umbrellas is being co-produced by the Vancouver Public Space Network and Viva Vancouver.