
Competition Streams


Stream 1: The Place

Winning Entries >

An idea to make a new or existing public space (such as a plaza, street, sidewalk, laneway, parklet, or park) rain-friendly.

Shortlisted Entries Adults | Shortlisted Entries Youth



A total of eight prizes will be awarded in this stream, as follows:

First Prize
Jury Selection: $3500
People’s Choice: $2500

Runner Up
Jury Selection: $2500
People’s Choice: $1000

First Prize Youth
Jury Selection: $200
People’s Choice: $200

Runner Up Youth
Jury Selection: $100
People’s Choice: $100


Ideas for this stream should respond to the general scope of this stream, as well as the challenges and opportunities outlined in the Competition Overview and the Principles for Rain-friendly Public Spaces.

General considerations:

  • Location - The idea can be for a public space anywhere within the legal boundaries of the city of Vancouver;

  • Typology – The concept can be designed around a new or existing plaza, street, sidewalk, laneway, parklet, park, or other form of public (or publicly-accessible open space). (Exclusion: While the concept may include structural elements, the overarching design should not be for a new building);

  • Size – There are no specific size constraints; however concepts should be of a sufficient scale to support an array of public social and cultural activities, passive and active programming, and additional elements, as noted in the brief.

Other Considerations and Further Evaluation Criteria

Entries should aim to account for some or all of the following criteria:

  • Functional & Flexible – Able to comfortably support a wide range of social and cultural activities and programming during periods of rain;

  • Adaptable – Potential to be enjoyed during periods when it doesn’t rain;

  • Elegant/beautiful – Aesthetically pleasing; appealing to the senses; able to inspire delight;

  • Safe – Ensures the health, safety, and wellbeing all of users;

  • All Ages & Abilities/Socially Inclusive –Ensuring the space is accessible to a wide variety of potential users; encourage social inclusion and opportunities for social connection;

  • Sustainable –Incorporating aspects of green design (e.g. to support wise use of storm-water, habitat enhancement, low-carbon, etc.).  


Entries for the idea for a rain-friendly public space stream should respond to the general scope of this stream, as well as the challenges and opportunities identified in the Design Brief (including the Principles for Rain-friendly Public Spaces outlined in Appendix A).


Submission Requirements

Submissions should include the following:

  1. Plan View - one 11x17” board with (at least) one plan view showing your proposed idea for a rain-friendly public space;

  2. Perspective View – one 11x17” board with (at least) one perspective view of the idea and surrounding context;

  3. Idea Statement - maximum 250 words, that includes the name of the idea, a description of it, and additional details outlining how it responds to the competition goals, guidelines and criteria;

  4. Completed Entry Form

In Stream (1) participants aged 18 & under have the option of applying with reduced submission requirements, as follows:

  1. One 11x17” board including:

    • An illustration of your idea

    • A maximum 100 word statement describing your idea for a rain-friendly public space

    • Please do not include your name on the board

  2. Completed Entry Form

Digital Submissions
Please submit all materials as high-resolution PDF files. (Max size for all combined files is 25 MB).

Mail or In-Person Submissions
If you are unable to provide a digital version of your submission, paper copies of the required documents will be accepted by mail or in-person drop-off

IMPORTANT: Please include a title on each board Items (1), (2), and (3), but not your names or organizational affiliation (if you are submitting on behalf of an organization).

If your entry is short-listed, you may be asked to submit a second version scaled for poster-size showcase purposes.

Download a PDF version of Stream 1: The Place Design Brief excerpt.

Download a PDF version of Stream 1: The Place Design Brief excerpt - for participants aged 18 and under.


Stream 2


The Intervention

Winning Entries >

A rain-friendly design feature or element, or seasonal structure that can serve to enhance an existing public space.

Shortlisted Entries



A total of two prizes will be awarded in this stream:

Jury Selection
First Prize: $3500
Runner Up: $2000

Your design could get built! After the contest closes, the City aims to advance the winning design toward the build stage, however, timing and feasibility of implementation will depend on a number of factors, including buildability of the winning design, cost of build, and staff resources.


Ideas for this stream should respond to the general scope of this stream, as well as the challenges and opportunities outlined in the Competition Overview and the Principles for Rain-friendly Public Spaces.

General considerations:

  • Location - The proposed feature can be located in a public space anywhere within the boundaries of the city of Vancouver;

  • Scaleable/Replicable – While you may propose a specific location, the proposed feature or element should be something that can be utilized in other similar areas.

Other Considerations and Further Evaluation Criteria

Entries should aim to account for some or all of the following criteria:

  • Functional and Flexible – Enabling a range of activities to take place comfortably and safely during periods of rain;

  • Surface Mounted – Where relevant, the design solution should be able to be freestanding or surface mounted using modular components – to facilitate installation, de-installation, and movability;

  • Feasible – Where conceived as a modular element, the design should be buildable within a budget of approximately $40,000;

  • Safe – Should support the health, safety, and well-being of users. Particular attention should be paid to ensuring the feature is weather responsive (e.g. safe in windy weather, able to withstand snow-loads or high-volume rain events, etc.);

  • Maintenance – The feature should be durable enough to withstand seasonal conditions, as well as easy to clean and maintain.

Submission Requirements

Submissions should include the following:

  1. Plan View - one 11x17” board with (at least) one plan view showing your proposed public space design feature;

  2. Perspective View - one 11x17” board with (at least) one perspective view of the design feature and surrounding context;

  3. Design Statement - maximum 250 words, that includes the name of the design idea, a description of your concept for a rain-friendly public space, and additional details outlining how the design idea responds to the competition goals, guidelines and criteria;

  4. Completed Entry Form

Digital Submissions
Please submit all materials as high-resolution PDF files. (Max size for all combined files is 25 MB).

In Person Submissions
f you are unable to provide a digital version of your submission, paper copies of the required documents will be accepted by mail or in-person drop-off.

Download a PDF version of Stream 2: The Intervention Design Brief excerpt.


IMPORTANT: Please include a title on each board Items (1), (2), and (3), but not your names or organizational affiliation (if you are submitting on behalf of an organization)

If your entry is short-listed, you may be asked to submit a second version scaled for poster-size showcase purposes.


Stream 3


The Celebration

Winning Entries >

A rain-friendly pop-up activation (e.g. an event or interactive installation) in a public space that will help build a more positive culture of rain-friendly activity, fostering social connections in the rainy months.



A total of three prizes will be awarded in this stream, as follows:

VIVA/VPSN Selection Committee
Winner 1: $5,000
Winner 2: $5,000
Winner 3: $5,000

Note: The winning celebrations must be delivered in fall 2019.


A few general considerations guide entries in this stream:

1. Location
The following are suggested locations for activations:

  • Helena Gutteridge Plaza

  • 14th-Main Plaza

  • šxʷƛ̓ənəq Xwtl'e7énḵ Square

  • Chinatown Memorial Plaza

  • Jim Deva Plaza

  • Alley-Oop Laneway

  • Bute-Robson Plaza

  • Ackery’s Alley

  • Leg-in-boot Square

The focus is on the locations noted above, however other locations may be considered, e.g. a sidewalk, an on-street parking space, a street, or a laneway. The selection committee may suggest alternate locations where the proponent’s location(s) are not feasible;

2. Timing
The celebration can be a single event, recurring pop-up activations, or a temporary interactive installation, and can activate one or more public spaces.

3. Event Logistics
All logistics (e.g. insurance, set up and take down, moving and storage) will be the responsibility of the applicant. The VIVA team can help with permitting and other approvals.

Other Considerations and Further Evaluation Criteria

Entries for this stream should respond to the general scope of this stream, as well as the challenges and opportunities identified earlier in the Design Brief (including the Principles for Rain-friendly Public Spaces outlined in Appendix A).

Entries should also be:

  • Socially engaging – Interesting and fun, helping to bring people together and builds community;

  • All Ages & Abilities/Socially Inclusive – Ensuring the space is accessible to a wide variety of potential users; encourage social inclusion and opportunities for social connection;

  • Innovative - Tests something new and helps reimagine one or more public spaces;

  • Feasible - Deliverable within the budget and timeframe.

We want to learn from each activation, so we’ll be asking successful applicants to share lessons learned, as well as any other observations to encourage more and better public life in the rainy months.

Download a PDF version of Stream 3: The Celebration Design Brief excerpt.

Submission Requirements

Submissions should include the following:

  1. Completed Entry Form

  2. Optional supplemental materials (as identified in the entry form)

Digital Submissions
Please submit all materials via the online entry form process

In Person Submissions
If you are unable to provide a digital version of your submission, paper copies of the required documents will be accepted by mail or in-person drop-off.